Risk management

We assess and manage the risks to which your company is exposed. As well as the implementation of the ORSA for your structure.

Our expertise :

Risk monitoring
Risk capital assessment
Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

A little reminder of the scope ?

Risk management is a strategic and continuous process that aims to identify, assess and manage the risks that a company faces. It consists of taking proactive measures to minimize the negative effects of potential risks and to seize opportunities that may arise. Effective risk management allows a company to make informed decisions.

Risk monitoring and capital assessment

  • Supporting change management and assisting with project coordination and management,
  • Contribute to the definition of indicators and tools necessary for the management of activities,
  • Intervene on the opportunity study and the pre-project framework.

Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

  • Identify and monitor risk indicators and define appropriate alert thresholds,
  • Carry out in-depth analyses in the event of the materialization of a risk, particularly technical or financial,
  • Monitor risks in a cross-functional manner, develop the risk management policy and implement it (policies, methodology, dashboard, etc).